Thursday, March 13, 2008

This says it all...

Why do I fervently support Obama?

This excerpt from his speech on abortion says it all. Can you imagine anyone from the Bush crowd, or for that matter Hillary, making such a speech?

Think about what sort of country we will have if Obama is President. I'm so cynical these days that I fear to hope too much. But, I can't help it.

~ Tom

1 comment:

Jesse Wilson said...

Nice post Dad. I initially liked Hilary (very early in the campaign), but I have converted to Obama. I disagree with the whole notion that he is not experienced. I support him because he makes me want to take action. Out of all the candidates, he is the only one in my mind who can really motivate people to make changes in this country. I hope he makes it and wins. That was a nice post, thanks.