Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A couple of flicks...

Over the weekend I watched a couple of DVD movies that had gotten laudatory reviews:

The Assassination of Jesse James and In the Valley of Elah.

Assassination: This was the LONGEST movie I have seen in a long time. What I mean here is that I was squirming and wondering when it was going to end, or why it was not moving ahead and keeping my interest. In the real world it clocks in at 160 minutes, which to me seemed like about 300 minutes. I want to make it clear that I do not have ADD. In fact I have watched many, many movies that were as long or longer, and felt the time just whiz by -- even Bergman films! (An example: "Gladiator is just a couple of minutes shorter, but I was on the edge of my seat the whole time when I first saw it on the big screen, and still am riveted as I watch it on DVD). The actors in Assassination were good, script so-so, the directing crumby, and editing atrocious.

Valley of Elah: I loved this movie. The more I see of Haggis' output, the more I respect the guy. He is getting to the "Mamet" level -- not saying this because I think Mamet is the greatest, but to acknowledge that when watching a Mamet movie or play, I KNOW it's Mamet. Likewise now, I can say the same for Haggis, and I love his work. "Valley" is simply a great movie in my mind. Tommy Lee was more than "Oscar-worthy" in his role. It's so Haggis to watch this proud, stubborn man learn that his son was murdered and cut to pieces, but to also have to learn that his son was totally fucked up by the war: sadistic, a drug-user, aggressive, and ultimately a neglected son. Jones is simply amazing in conveying his evolving pain/knowledge as the story unfolds. And who says Charlize Theron can't act? Remember, she did win an Oscar, after all!

~ Tom

1 comment:

Jesse Wilson said...

Hey Dad, thanks for the reviews. I haven't seen either one. I'm kind of interested in the Valley of Elah, so might check that one out. Also, I just saw Eastern Promises, I liked that one a lot. That shower fight was awesome!
