Monday, March 17, 2008

Pulling your coats...

I was a bit distressed when all this stuff about Obama's erstwhile minister surfaced, especially the "God Dam America" bit, which gave me a visceral wince. Then I read this amazing post on Huffington Post and felt a lot better. Check it out. Now the real question is how to get middle of the road folks to read it and think about it.

I'm worried that even good-hearted non-blacks are not going to understand the loud, seemingly confrontational sound cuts from Obama's church -- gee we thought this guy was pretty white, but this is scary! Anyway, the above-linked post says it all -- the Christian right is far more dangerous and evil than Rev. Wright could every be.

Also, check out this wonderful site. I just heard Robert Greenwald on a progressive radio program. He is the founder of "Brave New Films." The guy is doing a great service for us all. Check out the FOX Attacks Obama, part 2 film along with lots of other short films that Greenwald and his crew have blessed us with. Bravo.

~ tom

1 comment:

Lally said...

Tom, your recent posts are all informative and right on. Thanks for turning me on to the greenwald little flick about Fox and Obama. I know Greenwald's longer films, and they're always enlightening. Lal