Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Fly on the wall? Nah, crab in the sand!

From the current issue of Rolling Stone from an article about Ornette Coleman:

"When I used to go out to L.A. back then, there was something I could do you couldn't do today," says [Sonny] Rollins. "I'd drive my car out toward Malibu, park it on the side of the road, and go down to the beach to practice. I invited Ornette to come with me and we'd play, just the two of us standing in the sand, putting our sound out over the ocean. I really liked what he was doing. A lot of established musicians didn't like his playing, they were doing things like walking out on him, but I liked him."
~ tom

1 comment:

Lally said...

thanks for passing that on man. beautiful.