Monday, December 17, 2007

Dem backbone - a fiction

How did we get Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader? I sure had nothing to do with it. I am a very forgiving person, but I am fed up with this guy. It's like a relationship that turns bad. You all know what I'm talking about. A week before the "turning point" you can forgive or ignore your significant other's faults and foibles, but at some point a bright line is crossed and from then on everything becomes unforgivable.

I'm spoiling for a fight. The kind of fight where you go up against a guy who you know is gonna kick your ass and bloody your face, but it's a fight you NEED to fight to keep your self-respect and dignity. Harry slinks away from such a fight. Aside from having the personality and charisma of a sea slug, Reid has the same backbone as a sea slug -- none! I can't remember exactly what event it was, but a while back, Senator Jim Webb gave a rebuttal to some horse shit the the Prez put out in an address to us masses, and the dude just blew me away. He was oozing charisma, putting down unassailable arguments, but most importantly, he was righteously pissed, and it showed! I was fervently murmering, "replace Reid with this dude, ASAP." Or, I think of what would be happening if LBJ was majority leader now (forget his presidency), as he was for many years in the past -- there would be hell to pay.

Oh, and by the way... I'm not that pleased with Nancy Pelosi's performance in the house either.

~ tom

1 comment:

Lally said...

Yeah, I'm afraid I have to agree with a lot of that. I too wish Jim, what's his name from Virginia, the vet with a son in Iraq, was the spokes person for the Dems.