Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Will SCOTUS stoop to even lower depths?

Frankly, I was really depressed over the reports that have been coming out of the Supreme Court hearings on the Affordable Health Care Act.  Commentator after commentator was shoveling the dirt into the grave.  I was saddened not only because the Act was apparently going down the drain, but because it might well cost President Obama the election.  But then my hopes were buoyed when I read this article.  I sure hope Professor Stone is correct.

1 comment:

JIm said...

It seems like one or more of the Justices leaked the result of the Friday vote to Obama. Based on his anti Supreme Court rhetoric this week, the vote probably went against Obamacare. I love the fact that the Fith Circut Judge is requiring the Obama justice department to declare their position on Marbary v. Madison, in light of Obama's attack on the court.