Monday, August 8, 2011

A Supreme reason to support Obama

I just got back from 14 days of vacation, during which I got bits and pieces of what was going on in the news.  With the sketchy news I got, and a little catch-up today, I can see that the progressive wing of the Democratic party is jumping salty all over the President for his handling of the debt ceiling blackmail fiasco, as well as other pent-up gripes.  I could go on and on defending the President with links to articles by respectable left wing pundits who are not Paul Krugman, but I know I won’t be changing any minds and hearts by doing so.  From my own perspective, my biggest disappointment in the President is his decision to keep us at war.  I think he was mesmerized by high-ranking officers, which I can understand but not endorse.

However, there is a higher, much more important issue that is often overlooked, which mandates that you vote for Obama in 2012 even if you think he is a total disappointment, or even an outright failure:

  • John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States, age 56:  Corporate toady who lied his ass off during confirmation hearings.
  • Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice, age 75:  The Darth Vader of American jurisprudence.  Evil incarnate.
  • Anthony M. Kennedy, Associate Justice, age  75:  The current “swing vote” on the court, but never to be trusted or relied upon to swing the right way.
  • Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice, age 63:  Scalia’s “Mini Me.”  Has never uttered a word during sessions.  Probably the least qualified justice EVER. 
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice, age 78!:  A wonderful justice, who carries the progressive banner into battle every day.  Writes blistering dissents rebutting the horrible opinions rendered by the right wing zealots on the court.  Could she live through the term of a Republican president elected in 2012?  Not likely.  Will she retire if Obama is re-elected?  Almost a certainty.
  • Stephen G. Breyer, Associate Justice, age 73 in a few days:  Another crucial progressive vote on the court.  Pray that this guy lives if a Republican is elected in 2012.
  • Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr., Associate Justice, age 61:  Of all the trolls on the court this is the guy I hate the most.  I watched his confirmation hearings and if the guy had been hooked up to a lie detector it would have been pegging out with practically every answer he gave.  Also, his performance during the President’s “State of the Union” address is telling.  (The President had the audacity to scold the Majority for their ridiculous ‘whore” opinion in the Citizens United case).  I see this troll living to be 90 and spreading his poison until then.
  • Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice, age 57:  You go girl, and live a long life.
  • Elena Kagan, Associate Justic, age 51:  As with Sotomayor, we wish her a long, liberal life.

Listen up all you disgruntled lefties.  If a Republican gets elected in 2012 it is likely that there will be one or more Supreme Court appointments for the new president to make.  If Kennedy or Bader, both very aged, go down, you will get another right wing troll and thereafter every important decision will go 5-4 against us.  Or, God forbid, if  Breyer, Sotomayor, or Kagan die or resign, the same scenario occurs.  On the other hand, if Obama is re-elected and any of the troll brigade dies or resigns, the balance will be tipped in our favor.

So, even if you despise Obama, you have to vote for him.

~ Tom


JIm said...

Obama has demonstrated a penchant for going around congress and ruling via executive orders through his czars and agencies. Now you advocate more liberal judges that would rule through the courts and short circut the legislative process. You liberals really do hate constitutional government! There is one thing that is good in America's time of Obamanomics troubles. The total incompetence of Obama and liberal big over reaching govt. has been demonstrated for all to see. As Rush said, Obama is "Debt man walking in 2012".

JIm said...

Tom, Did you notice that your hero is very close to breaking below 40% approval. I have great confidence in him. I believe he will be at 35% by mid September. Maybe America will not have to contend with more legislate from the bench liberals.

Lally said...

Absolutely correct Tom.