Monday, August 15, 2011

Debt ceiling musings

Somehow, on my own,  I realized during the debt ceiling blackmail episode that there was one non-negotiable goal that the President had to achieve:  Extend any deal through the end of 2012.  If he caved in and made a short-term deal, the blackmailers would not relent and the continuing crisis would endanger the country, as well as negatively impact the President’s re-election bid. 

Today, I read this terrific article by E.J. Dionne in WAPO, which validates my instincts, and lays out the thesis far better than I ever could have.   


JIm said...

We have the fiscal 2012 budget due by Oct. 1st. Democrats do not see the need to have a budget but Republicans do. We also have the super committe that report back by Thanksgiving and the full congress vote by the end of the year. Democrats and Obama will have multiple bites at the fiscal apple. It should be entertaining.

JIm said...

Have you noticed Gallup's latest approval? 38%!! Your man is ahead of my prediction of mid 30s by September 15th.