Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Chauncey Devega on growing fascism

Chauncey Devega has written a really good article on the burgeoning fascism fueled by Donald Trump and his ilk.  Here is an excellent expert from the article published in Salon. 
American society is structured around maintaining, promoting, and protecting unearned advantages, life opportunities, and resources for white people. As viewed through the lens of the color line, almost every aspect of American life is a “safe space” for white people. This “safe space” for whiteness is reinforced by many factors, including, but not limited to, the mass media, residential and housing segregation, racially homogeneous interpersonal social networks, as well as a racist “criminal justice” system. And when this protective bubble of white privilege is pierced, or in any way challenged, many white folks respond in extremely negative, hostile, and immature ways.
I highly recommend checking out the entire article. You can read it right here 

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