Sunday, October 26, 2014

Obama may not be perfect, but .......

Please take the time to check out this link.  How come we don't hear about these things?  And just think about all the additional accomplishments that could have been realized if the right wing had not sabotaged his presidency from day one.  What a shame.


JIm said...

Tom, that is a totally misleading and false litany of supposed Obama accomplishments. There follows a few facts:

- US oil production is up on private lands despite Obama's war on energy. Production is down on public lands.
- Keystone pipeline approval is still hung up after 6 yrs of Obama's supposed approval process.
- The unemployment rate is 10% plus when the participation rate is taken into account.
- The Reagan yrs produced GDP growth as high as 7% while the Obama yrs has produced a high of barel 2/3% or the worst recovery since the Depression.
- Obama's international policy has produced a world where US enemies no longer fear America but our allies do fear us.
- In has become increasingly apparent to many on the left as well as just about all on the right that Obama is incompetent.

I still have a fantasy that we end up with a senate with 65 Republicans that will change America for the good despite our first anti-American president.

JIm said...

Here is a comment on our first black president and his party by blacks who have voted for him and his party.

Lally said...

great point(s) Tom, but the Dens are doing a lousy PR job

JIm said...

Now the work begins to pass pro growth legislation and unleash the US economy. Obviously Obama has failed.