Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Can you guess the composer?

Okay, let’s have a little fun.  Here is a tune that I know that you know.  Question is, who wrote it?  I have been giving people this test for years and only one person knew the answer without having to look it up.  There are lots of versions, but I like this one by Harry Connick, Jr.
If you  knew the answer without looking it up let me know – now be honest!  I will reveal the composer in my next post.
This is a really nifty song, structure and chord wise.  I learned it for guitar and was amazed at how many chord changes there are for such a seemingly simple song.


Lally said...

Johnny Mercer (or on second thought could it be Irving Berlin?)

Anonymous said...

COLE PORTER of course

all ways 11 o'clock said...

Robert Fletcher and Cole Porter