Saturday, August 21, 2010

I needed some cheering up…

I have to admit that I have found the last couple of months to be very depressing on the political front.  The constant, unremitting assault on President Obama by the right wing, coupled with mainstream media’s utter abdication of its duty was grinding me down.  I was to the point where I was saying to myself, “he’s going to be a one-term president.” 

Then today, I was perusing the July 30 issue of “The Week” which referred to this article by Charles Krauthammer.  Krauthammer is someone I rarely agree with, and in fact I get my dander up over a lot of the outrageous stuff he writes.  Thus it was with great pleasure that I read him warning that “Republicans underestimate him [Obama] at their peril,” and observing that Obama is playing the “long game.”  It made me remember how I went up the walls during the primary fight against Hillary, only to see Obama pull it off to my amazement.  This is one time I am rooting for Krauthammer to be a prophet.

~  Tom

1 comment:

-K- said...

There seems to be a subtext to this article which I have to admit was clever on Krauthammer's part.

While acknowledging Obama as having vision beyond the mid-term election, he also slips in speculation masquerading as fact.

"Massive wealth distribution," "unprecedent government power" and a likely European value added tax along with a veiled warning that a second economic mandate is coming all is I think intended as the real red meat for his readers.