Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lady Gaga & Beyonce video

Every week Entertainment Weekly features a “Must List” highlighting 10 cool things to dig.  The March 26 issue:

1.  Lady Gaga and Beyonce “TELEPHONE” video

2.  The T.A.M.I. Show: Collector’s edition on DVD

3.  “You Belong With Me” same-sex-crush version (on You Tube)

4.  Breaking Bad season premier on AMC

5.  Just Cause 2 video game

6.  Fantastic Mr. Fox on DVD

7.  PS22 Chorus sings “Lisztomania” (Kids’ choir from Staten Island N.Y.

8  The Irresistible Henry House, novel by Lisa Grunwald

9.  “Nothin’ on You,”  B.0.B.

10.  Sheryl Crow on Cougar Town and Amy Sedaris on The Middle.

I checked out the Lady Gaga video on You Tube, and dug it immensely.  One thing I’ve always been able to do is appreciate most new art.  When my kids were young, their friends always thought I was the coolest Dad, and I’m still that way. 

Anyway, you might want to give the Gaga thing a try.  The worst that happens is that you don’t like it.

Rock on…

~ tom


Lally said...

hey man, I checked it out. Came across as an upgraded and updated version of some Madonna tricks in her early music video career. But more so. (Gaga's voice on that even sounds a lot like Madonna's). But what I kept thinking about was the price tag. Probably could've bailed out New Jersey, if not California, with the budget on that thing, just Gaga's costume changes alone...(ha ha). But she definitely is pushing the limits of style and narrative in music performance/vids. So more power to her.

AlamedaTom said...

Precisely! Madonna, whatever you may think of her, was a legitimate pioneer. But Gaga is paying homage and then going somewhere else. I'm just amazed that I can legitimately dig it, instead of falling into the "get off my lawn" syndrome.