Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A deep, lurking unease…

Hi all:

This blog has been dark of late because I was testifying as an expert witness in a trial.  I’m finished with that and ready to address a topic that’s been on my mind ever since I read this book review in the San Francisco Chronicle.  This quote from the review will set the tone for my troubled thoughts:

As Goldhagen argued in his controversial book on the Holocaust, "Hitler's Willing Executioners," the leader's decision is not enough. He must have plenty of willing murderers who take up the eliminationist cause. Goldhagen shows in a wide variety of contexts - from the Germans to the Khmer to the Hutu - that when tyrants give their followers the opportunity to "solve a problem with murder," enormous numbers of volunteers lend themselves to the task. The perpetrators believe their victims deserve it: "Mass murder begins not in abstract structures or inchoate psychological pressures, but in the minds and hearts of men and women."

While the book review is very critical of the author in certain aspects, it was the thought of “followers” who could, if given the real opportunity, kill their fellow citizens, based upon fears and hatreds whipped up by evil leaders, that got me thinking.

I look at what has been going on in this country since Bush II, and particularly since Obama’s election and get chills.  Hundreds of thousands of “followers” are blindly parroting mindless hatred, not even realizing that the very interests they are “defending” are objectively NOT in their best interests.  If you don’t believe that many, many of those people at the Sarah Palin rallies would actually kill their “enemies” if the climate degenerated to the point where killing is sanctioned by leaders, then you need to think again.  I actually heard people yelling out “kill him” (meaning Obama) at those Palin rallies and neither she, nor anyone else condemned such thoughts.

What really has me concerned is that the power that Palin and her crew wield appears to me to be growing or at least solidifying in their followers.  It is becoming more strident and scary each day.  You may say, “well everyone knows that Palin is a brainless nitwit  who could never get elected,” but that brings to mind my story about Ronald Reagan.  It was at the time when Reagan had announced his run for governor of California.  I was in law school at Boalt Hall then and was at a party at Sanford Kadish’s home (Sanford was a great law professor and later dean of the law school).  I distinctly remember standing  on Sanford’s deck with him and a bunch of my fellow law students looking out over the beautiful view of San Francisco across the bay.  We were all derisively laughing about this “second rate actor” who had the audacity to believe that the sophisticated people of California would elect him.  “Not a chance,” we scoffed.  Well, you all know the story.  It ended up with him becoming President in 1980, which marked the beginning of the systematic dismantling of our democratic institutions,  leading up to our present sorry state.

My point is, do not sell this Palin woman short.  Fear her and her followers.  Be vigilant and reactive at all times.  Things are going to get much more ugly and scary.

~  Quaking Tom


Simon said...

I agree 100%. The hatred that's on the airwaves and spreading across our country has real danger potential. It's totally bizarre. Glenn Beck spends hours each week preaching hate, and he has one of the largest audiences of any 'news' show. A report on PBS's News Hour tonight was devoted to these types of shows, particularly what's on the radio. Every day tens of millions of people spend hours listening to hate filled speech. Angry rabble-rousing stuff. Obviously people are tuning into this. The numbers are far greater than what shows up at rallys.

I don't think we'll have mass murder going on in this country, but on the other hand, ours is a violent society, the LA Riots happened not too long ago. When the atmosphere becomes filled with hate and mistrust, it takes very little to unleash hatred into raging violence.

I agree with you, and the quote you put up gets right to the point. We have to be vigilant against hate. When hate is in people's hearts, it takes very little for them to march onto the streets. Reminds me of the old Frankenstein movies of the mobs with torches and pitchforks.

JIm said...

If you fear the rule of law as written in the US Constitution and if you think that the Tenth Amendment should not be enforced, limiting the powers of the federal government to powers enumerated there in, than you should fear Sarah. If you distrust the free enterprise system and trust politicians and judges over the collective wisdom of large numbers of citizens, than you should fear the Tea Party folks of whom I am one. I have been to four Tea Party events in Denver since February. I saw no violence threatened or implied. I saw many people concerned that the Obama administration is attempting to subvert the Constitution by government takeover of the private sector. Many fear for the continuation of free speech because of his “Snitch Line” and his support of the Fairness Doctrine and or control of opinion radio through local control. Many fear the expansion of the use of Czars who have not been subject to congressional review and approval. There is much to be concerned about with the most radical anti American president in history as demonstrated by his heavy handed wielding of federal power in the private sector and by his anti American speeches here and abroad. Internationally, our allies fear us and our adversaries voice disdain for our weak president. The country has more to fear from a left wing socialist,possible communist, or at least radically liberal president, than from citizens exercising their right of free speech and lawful and peaceful assembly.

JIm said...

Initial reports from Ft. Hood indicate that the shooter was an Obama supporter that has been disappointed because Obama has not pulled out troops from Iraq an Afganistan. Tom, maybe you should look to your loony left comarades for scary behavior.

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