Monday, November 16, 2009

Back in the saddle!

Hey chilen’s, I was dark a few days because I got a very cool new computer and was transferring programs and data to it from my old computer.

Having gone through this before,( only after a hard drive failure), I was determined to make it easier on myself.  So, I bit the bullet and shelled out $60+ for “PC Mover” (a one-time use piece of software) to migrate my old computer to the new one.  Pretty much everything went perfectly, to my surprise and relief.  However, wouldn’t ya know it, my Microsoft Office programs threw up when I tried to run them, so i had to spend an hour on the help line with them to get them functioning properly.  All is well now.

Anyway, I love my new computer.  It is a Velocity Micro “gaming quality” machine, which I had built to my specifications.  It is super-fast and very, very sexy looking.  It has a plexiglass side panel, which lets you look into its “private parts,” and the three separate cooling fans it uses are all lit up with blue lights.  Here is a picture I took just now showing the window feature:


Oh my, I can hardly keep my pants on! 

So, I’m back and raring to post.  Hope you all are well and happy.



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