Thursday, February 6, 2014

Science vs. the "Nay-sayers"

This cartoon pretty much nails it.  Excuse me while I take a look at those 6,000-year-old dinosaur bones that my dog just dug up.

1 comment:

JIm said...

I found this interesting from Andrew Klavan. In the mean time we woke to below zero temps in metro Denver; for the second day in a row.

"The state of the science is this. The best measurements indicate there has been some overall increase in land surface temperatures in the last fifty years (about .9 degrees Centigrade), though temperatures have remained steady for the last seventeen years or so. The latest warming trend — though by no means the greatest in earth's history — has obviously occurred during the period of greatest industrialization, but whether industry's by-products caused the warming is unknown. This is because we have no point of comparison: we have no earth on which industrialization hasn't occurred. Computer models designed to create such a comparison have been shown to be flawed. And dishonest data-jiggering and hysterical predictions by climatologists have made the entire enterprise suspect."