Sunday, March 22, 2009

No one else coulda / someone else shoulda

Introducing a new, fun pastime for those of us who are hopeless movie and TV freaks. I'm calling it: No one else coulda / someone else shoulda

Here are the rules:

1. Your entry has to be based on an actual current viewing, be it watching a new movie in a theater, a TV show, or just flipping through the channels, or catching a snippet on You Tube, etc. Give a brief description of your viewing circumstances when submitting your entry. (No fair mining your memory banks, you have to view it at some time from now and into the future).

2. A "NEC " entry: Simply no one else could have played the role. The actor, script, performance and production all mesh like the gears of a fine old Swiss watch to produce a "one-of-a-kind" experience.

3. A "SES" entry: What were they thinking when they cast this role!!! This is like W.C. Fields playing Ghandi.

If I get enough entries over time, I'll create a data base that everyone can access.

OK, here is the first entry, and it's an "NEC" --- John Malkovich as Vicomte Sébastien de Valmont in Dangerous Liaisons. Viewed a snippet while Eileen was watching the movie for the millionth time; saw one of the scenes where he is trying to seduce Michelle Pfeiffer. I absolutely cannot imagine anyone else playing that role.

~ Tom


Unknown said...

Ok, the NEC is the actor who plays Sylar in Heroes. Who else could have pulled off the lost puppy look and the evil killer look when needed? He's seriously twisted, and I'm afraid I'll never be able to see him in anything without thinking Sylar.

Lally said...

The entire cast of BIG LOVE. Can't imagine anyone else playing any of the main roles at least—Bill Paxton et. al.

AlamedaTom said...

You are right, Lal. Roman Grant, R.I.P. Gonna miss Harry Dean Stanton next season.

Lally said...

Hey man, I was wondering if they're gonna go DALLAS on us and have Roman be discovered and rescued in time to make a come back next season, or have the strangulation be the brother's dream and he wakes up from it, etc.!