Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Breaking Bad + a related "NEC"

Man, I can't say enough about "Breaking Bad" on AMC. I kept hearing about it from all kinds of people who were just raving at how good it was - my son Jesse, my brother Steve, his wife Marlene, and other friends. Plus, the media reviews were unified in their praise. So, about a month ago, I watched the 7-episode first season in preparation for the new season, which started in early March.

The simple set up for BB is that a chemistry genius relegated to teaching high school chemistry learns he has terminal cancer and decides to cook meth to earn a ton of loot before he dies so that his family will not want.

But there is so, so, much more, which is impossible to really convey. Suffice it to say that Tom gives this thing 5 big, fat stars. Go out and rent season one. Then you can watch season 2 "on demand" if you have Comcast, or just wait for season 2 to come out on video. My son and I both agreed that the second episode of this season was one of the most jaw-dropping hours of television, EVER.

Now on to my NEC/SES entry (see rules below), and it's a NEC:

Bryan Cranston as Walter White in Breaking Bad. Just ask any BB fan if he or she can even imagine another Walter White and they will look at you as if you've gone mad!


No one else coulda / someone else shoulda

Here are the rules:

1. Your entry has to be based on an actual current viewing, be it watching a new movie in a theater, a TV show, or just flipping through the channels, or catching a snippet on You Tube, etc. Give a brief description of your viewing circumstances when submitting your entry. (No fair mining your memory banks, you have to view it at some time from now and into the future).

2. A "NEC " entry: Simply no one else could have played the role. The actor, script, performance and production all mesh like the gears of a fine old Swiss watch to produce a "one-of-a-kind" experience.

3. A "SES" entry: What were they thinking when they cast this role!!! This is like W.C. Fields playing Ghandi.

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