Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Still here...

I've been up at the Tahoe place and very busy on some work-related matters, so I have not posted recently. Two observations:

1. Obama press conference: I was very impressed. He exceeded even my high expectations. It was almost eerie to watch an intelligent, articulate, and honest soul actually answer the questions in a full and thoughtful manner. I laugh when I hear these pundits gabbing about the answers being to long, or how there was no "sound bite" quote coming out of the whole news conference. As I have said many times on this blog, I believe Obama, aside from all his other attributes, is a great teacher. Having taught law school for over 25 years, I recognize it. I was understanding everything he said, and learning a lot. And, I don't sell the American people short -- I think they were understanding him too, and were as appreciative and impressed as I was.

2. I was listening to Mike Malloy last night on my pillow speaker as I fell asleep, and he was quoting from an article which was basically a confirmation of my "Scorpion and the Frog" obsession. The article pointed out that what is going on now is exactly what happend when another young democrat won the presidency: Bill Clinton. From day one, the rightublicans went after Clinton. But what the article pointed out is that the main stream media bent over backwards rebut a claim that they were left-leaning by often being harder on Clinton than than the rightublicans. I see that going on all the time these days. Malloy's take was that Obama should just stay above it all and maybe he is right. But, it drives me nuts!

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