Thursday, February 26, 2015

Frank keeps getting better

A couple of days ago I was emptying the dishwasher when kabam!!!, I started hearing Sinatra singing "The Summer Wind." Talk about a powerful ear worm.  Of course I immediately went to this blog and entered it as my current ear worm on my home page.  But all day yesterday and into this morning I kept hearing it, right down to the groovy Nelson Riddle arrangement.  Nothing else to do at that point than actually listen to the real thing, which I did right here.  Yep, it was just as great as always -- Frank at a time (for my money) that his chops were probably the best they ever were.  "Chops" encompasses the whole package including tone, timbre, confidence, and especially phrasing.  He just kills "The Summer Wind" in less than three minutes. Dang, as I get older Frank just keeps getting better and better.

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