Monday, May 13, 2013

So sick of Benghazi

I have just about had it with the right wing pumping up the Benghazi incident to fanciful, paranoid proportions.  Day in and day out it’s one nut-case after another demanding an investigation, calling for the president’s impeachment, or seeing vast conspiracies under every rock.  Of course the real purpose in this whole charade is an attempt to diminish Hillary Clinton’s competence and popularity – 2016, you know!  And, it’s going to get worse this week. 

In the midst of all this right-wing bullshit, we have our usual hero and savior, Jon Stewart, laying down the truth.  His monologue last Wednesday was spot on.  Too bad more people are not listening to him.  


JIm said...

One article of impeachment against Richard Nixon was using the IRS against his political enemies. Need I say more.

JIm said...

Gosnell has been found guilty of snipping a 3 babies necks and killing them in the first degree. Obama, at least intellectually attempted to protect similar abortionists in Illinois.

JIm said...

Harry Reid said something to the effect that the only way to hold some conservative groups in check was to use the IRS, thus justifying their actions. Do you remember Reid going after Mitt Romney about his taxes, saying the someone told him what Mitt paid in taxes. It sounds like some people should go to jail.