Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Climate change “contradiction” explained

If you, like me, have an unreserved belief that the earth is heating up at an alarming rate, your hair probably catches fire when climate change “deniers” point to big storms and blizzards and scoff at the science proving global warming.  Aside from them completely ignoring blistering summer heat waves and increasing droughts, these luddites just don’t understand that the increase in big winter blizzards and floods does not debunk the scary reality of “climate change” brought on by global warming.  To the contrary, such extreme weather is a symptom.  I realize that if you are confronted by such folks, you probably have little chance of changing their minds, but you might try giving them a copy of this article, which appeared in today’s San Francisco Chronicle.  It does an excellent job of explaining “atmospheric physics.”  


Jesse Wilson said...

Hey Dad,
Glad you liked the playlist! I checked out the Creep video - very cool. I will definitely be visiting your blog more often. Cool car too!!

BTW - just watched the movie "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". Check it out!


JIm said...

Tom, it is good that you characterized global warming as a belief. It is in fact a religion of the left with a purpose of gaining more control over society. The science is at best contradictory.