Thursday, February 7, 2008

Obama has "it"

Here is an excerpt from the comment I posted today on Michael Lally's blog:

There is just something about Obama that touches the proverbial nerve. It's akin to observations people make about naturally gifted athletes, or charismatic performers -- you can't teach it or learn it. You either have it or you don't. I've known from the git go that Obama has "it." But the absolute confirmation of it was when Tim Russert played a clip of Harry Truman in July 1960 begging JFK to withdraw from the race and "have patience", bluntly stating that JFK was too green to be president. Then, Russert played JFK's response, which raised goosebumps for me even after all these years. I get the same feeling these days when I listen to Obama's soaring, yet genuine oratory, or just see his lanky grace and magic smile.
After posting that comment, I tried to find the video that I mentioned, but was only able to find a transcript of the relevant portion of the Meet the Press program. Here it is, and you have to admit, it's really quite uncanny...

MR. RUSSERT: ...and we've been able to find exactly what Harry Truman said about John Kennedy back in July of 1960. Let's watch this.


PRES. HARRY S. TRUMAN: Senator, you--are you certain that you are quite ready for the country, or the country is ready for you in the role of president in January 1961? I have no doubt about the political heights to which you are destined to rise, but I'm deeply concerned and troubled about the situation we are up against in the world now and in the immediate future. That is why I hope that someone with the greatest possible maturity and experience would be available at this time. May I urge you to be patient.

(End videotape)

MR. RUSSERT: Incredible. Two days later, this is how John Kennedy responded to Harry Truman. Let's watch.


PRES. JOHN F. KENNEDY: The world is changing. The old ways will not do. It is time for new generation of leadership to cope with new problems and new opportunities, for there is a new world to be won, a world of peace and good will, a world of hope and abundance, and I want America to lead the way to that new world.

Today I say to you, with full knowledge of the responsibilities of that high office, that if the people of the nation select me to be their president, I am ready.

(End videotape)

MR. RUSSERT: Forty-eight years later, maturity, experience, "be patient," "I'm ready."


MR. SHRUM: It's the same debate.


1 comment:

Lally said...

I hope the voters see it that way too. Thanks for posting that.