Tuesday, April 26, 2011

O’Donnell wipes the floor with Rush, much to the delight of Jesus

I was raised in a religious Christian family, but long since have drifted away from it.  While I still have a blurry recollection of things biblical, I am at a loss when I want to confront right wing religious nuts with their hypocrisy.  I know Jesus said this and did that, but I can’t rub the right winger’s nose in the New Testament. 

That is why last night I was mesmerized  and delighted over Lawrence O’Donnell’s rant against Rush Limbaugh’s lame attempt at weaseling out of the “What Would Jesus Do” question.  You have to see this.  It’s well worth the 10 minutes you will spend, and I guarantee that you will come away armed with all the biblical ammo you need to confront the next hypocritical phony Jesus freak you run into.   And be sure to memorize, and then use,  Lawrence’s challenge to Rush to find anything in the bible where Jesus sympathizes with rich people for having paid too much tax, or for having been too generous, or forced by anyone to be too generous.  

I’m really getting to love Lawrence. 

~ Tom


JIm said...

Actually, Lawrence is a rare commodity; a smart liberal. He still is wrong but I enjoy watching him attempting to keep his Irish temper in check as he turns a well formed phrase, but erronious liberal argument.

As for Jesus and Rush, I refer you to Jesus's quote; "Render unto Ceasar the things that are Ceasar's and unto God the things that are God's".

Montana said...

Wow, the Blush LimpBlah is now a reverend, he can take his place next to the other flakes like Jim Jones, Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggart, (all silly jimmy’s), Ted Haggard, Oral Roberts, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Franklin Gramham (son of Billy), John Hagee, and we can’t forget the rev. Mike Huckabee. Maybe LimpBlah next sermon will be about the scripture “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s”, found in the good book. But alas we probably hear more or the same lies that we heard today. He is such a windbag.

Lally said...

Dynamite! Thanks for sharing this.