Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Obama: Unsung hero as usual

This latest budget/shut-down saga left the Tea Party people referring to the Speaker as “white flag Boehner,” and the left calling for the President’s head because he supposedly gave away the store.  Knowing Obama as I have come to know him, I am certain that he truly believed that a shut-down would be disastrous to the economic recovery, and that he deeply cared about the suffering it would bring to hundreds of thousands of citizens who would not receive a paycheck, along with all the services the whole country would lose.  I had a feeling that there was a deeper, untold story that the main-stream press was missing in its insatiable quest to highlight conflict and criticism.

So, when I opened the main section of today’s S.F. Chronicle and saw this article, I was elated, and also vindicated.  I was so excited  that I practically had to read the whole thing out loud to my wife, who is not nearly as rabid as I am when it comes to politics.  But she was a good sport about it and in the end agreed that this is something that everyone should read and understand.  People, especially our friends on the far left, need to remember that George Bush and his cronies left our President with a horrible mess, but the President, while pointing that out, has never complained or shirked what he believes needs to be done to save our country.  Again, this article is a “must read” that needs to be widely disseminated.  If any of you are blogging, “Face-booking,” or tweeting, please pass the link on.


Lally said...

Great summary article Tom, thanks for hipping us all to it.

JIm said...

Obamanomics decimates poor people because it has suppressed the economy and employment. A finacially distressed person does better with a job than on the dole. Estimates of economic growth is down to 1.5% with real unemployment at 20%.