Friday, December 11, 2009

Thank you Mr. President

I hear all these attacks on the President from the right, and much bitching and moaning from the left about his so-called failings, and I get discouraged.  But here is a “must-read” article for those like me who really believe that Barack Obama is something special, who if given the chance will make a lasting difference in this country – all for the better of course.

1 comment:

JIm said...

Does “Burning the Bush Presidency” by restoring Constitutional balance include having the EPA act unilaterally by enacting nutty Global Warming rules and relying on the discredited UN junk science for justification. One would think “Constitutional Balance” would require input from Congress.

If the Stimulus Bill is an achievement than I assume 10% plus unemployment is another of Obama’s achievements. Rating agencies are threatening to lower the credit rating of the Sovereign debt of the US because of the run away spending of which the Stimulus Bill was the major culprit. A 2 to 3 trillion dollar government takeover of health care, clunker programs that stimulate import car sales and a 2 trillion deficit (just approved along party lines) are further justification for lower credit ratings.

Internationally, Obama was supposed to improve US relations. I have not noticed any softening of bad behavior of Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. Russia seems to be amused by our inept president. Our allies Israel and Japan do not trust the US, as they did in the past.

We have had at least two Islamic terror attacks since Obama was inaugurated. He will further weaken and invite more attacks with the NYC trials.

Any other supposed minor achievements are far out weighed by the damage he has done. No wonder the Obamasiah’s poll numbers are in the toilet.