Thursday, December 11, 2008

Metheny on Kenny G.

When you have been a jazz fan as long as I have (from about age 14 and still going strong at 64), you run into some perplexing moments when you interface with people who are quite decent, but don't know much about jazz. In their attempt to mesh with me they often mention Kenny G as one of their favorites. Early on in this process (but not for long), I would mount my high-horse and dump all over Kenny G., who deserves it [see below]. But the result would be that the well-meaning person would be visibly hurt or want to get in an argument. This problem would also arise when I would be in a group of unfamiliar people and tell my favorite Kenny G. joke:

What's the difference between Kenny G. and and Uzi? Kenny G. repeats more.

After telling the joke, someone would either come to G's defense or I would be told later by a third party that Kenny was so-and-so's favorite "jazz" musician, and that he/she had really been offended by my joke.

So, now days, if someone mentions Kenny G., my response is always something like, "That's interesting. If you enjoy that, you might also enjoy John Coltrane's version of 'My Favorite Things.' "

Well, much to my amazement, I ran across this incredibly cogent, wise and fearless rant by Pat Metheny on Kenny G. I've seen Pat in live performances many, many times with all kinds of fabulous and differing jazz musicians, and if anyone has the "street cred" to blast Kenny, it's him. If you are a jazz fan and not at all fond of Kenny G. and what he represents viz a viz the world of true jazz, please read this article. (Seriously, you need to read this article, if only to stand in amazement at how far out on the limb of righteousness Pat goes. Take the time to read it all).



Unknown said...

HA HA HA!!! That was brilliant!!!

Lally said...

seriously brilliant. Thanks for hipping me to it. I'm putting a link to it up on my blog as well.