Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sean Penn - A Great American

This post on Huffington by Sean Penn is a bit long but well worth the reading. Here are a couple of excerpts to whet your appetite:

If John McCain, in reflection, offers no support for those that served beside him, nor those who serve today, what has experience provided him? And when a man regarded so highly in heroic terms of military service, confides personal glory as a common motivation to the young Americans who risk their lives, at what point would he acknowledge patriotism as something more considered than the glib hawkishness exulted by the Republican Convention? His choice of Palin is, once again, McCain's vainglorious head rising. It's about "winning," not serving. As Senator Joe Biden said this week, "Don't tell me your values, show me your budget and I'll tell you your values."
And, at the end, in recognizing that Obama's tax plan would whack him, Sean says:
This November, vote American. Vote imagination. Vote hope. Vote your conscience. Vote for the troops. Vote to make me pay higher taxes. (I owe it to your children and my own.) Vote to put your country first.
~ Tom

1 comment:

Lally said...

yeah, I saw that. He's really proven himself a "great American" hasn't he (in the Katrina crisis alone)?