Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Charlie, ask about this!

I can think of a million things that Charlie Gibson should ask Palin in the upcoming interview, but here is one he should ask for sure:

"Do you believe in equal pay for equal work for women?" For that matter, someone should ask McSame about it too. As I understand it, both are against it.

Here are the facts from the AFL-CIO web site:

In 2007, women were paid only 77 cents for every dollar a man is paid, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Economist Evelyn Murphy, president and founder of The WAGE Project, estimates the wage gap costs the average full-time U.S. woman worker between $700,000 and $2 million over the course of her work life.

Those working class white women who are gravitating toward Palin in the latest poll are not going to like her answer at all. How would she squirm around this?

~ Tom

1 comment:

-K- said...

If Charlie runs out of questions for her, he could always ask her about some of the issues raised in this essay by Andrew Sullivan:
