Friday, February 14, 2014

I'm still here...

It's been a while since I posted something.  I retired at the end of the year and have been converting my home office to a much, much smaller footprint and adding a new bed for guests, etc.  This process necessitated some ruthless decisions about discarding things that I no longer have room for.  The hoarder in me was sometimes hard to overcome.  Anyway, I pretty much finished up the whole conversion today so I can get back to dreaming up some worthy posts.

Oh, I also got a new camera.  I have been looking for a professional-quality "point-and-shoot" to use when I cannot use my larger SLR, or when I just don't want to lug the SLR around.  In doing the research I found a great article by a photographer who used a Sony RX-100 to photograph the Rolling Stones in a live performance.  Check out the article here, even if you are not interested in learning about the camera because the pictures are fabulous. I bought an RX-100 for myself and have been carrying it around and shooting stuff like crazy.  It's an amazing little piece of technology.  Here are a couple of photos of the camera.  When looking at the photos, remember that this itty-bitty guy took those pictures of the Stones!

1 comment:

L. Weiler said...

I'm impressed with how young you look with that new camera, Tom. Makes me want to buy one.