Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bernie–a very nice watch

We are having a wonderful time at our Tahoe/Donner place, having arrived on Wednesday morning and skiing Thursday and Friday.  Today we are just goofing off, but I did manage to go snowshoeing with my dog.  Great exercise, and terrific scenery.  I forgot to bring my camera so I don’t have any pictures for you – next time.


A couple of nights ago I watched “Bernie” via Netflix streaming video.  I really enjoyed it.  You can read about it here, but I want to focus on two things:

First, Jack Black is simply wonderful in this movie.  You probably have admitted yourself that he is a talented fellow, but if you watch this film you will see that he is even more talented than you thought.  The many songs he sings reveal a lovely voice (always right on pitch), and his acting is rife with subtle strokes of genius.  He did get a Golden Globe nomination for his performance.

Second, the story takes place in a small Texas town of 7,000 folk who all seem to belong to the local evangelical church.  My grandfather was a preacher in various small Idaho towns, my mother was a child evangelist, and one of my aunts was dean of a Christian college.  Therefore, many of the songs Jack performs are songs of my childhood and I remembered all the tunes and lyrics immediately.  I can assure you that those scenes are very authentic, and worth enjoying even if you are a confirmed “back-slider” such as I. 

I highly recommend this movie.

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