Thursday, July 8, 2010

Satire only works when there is a fragment of disbelief!

This gives credence to my title to this post. 

The scary thing for me is that the polls are showing that the public is actually prepared to put such abominations in office, e.g. supremely insane Sharron Angle (and I am NOT exaggerating) is actually leading Harry Reid in the latest polls!)

Is America going insane?


~ tom


JIm said...

TS Tom, America is just waking up. Imagine a reinvigorated electorate taking back control from an out of control socialist govt.

Lally said...

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results then yes, many in our country are behaving insanely when they think the solution to the problem of deregulation that led us to the oil spill and the financial meltdown is to elect politicians who will go even further in the direction the last administration led us, i.e. over a cliff. But, if it's any consolation, the pendulum does always seem to swing both ways so eventually....