Sunday, January 4, 2009

A majority report for Minority Report

We're still up here at the Tahoe/Donner house. Our cable has been down since we got here last Monday and they still have not fixed it. Hence we have had no live TV and have been watching a lot of DVD's. We happened to have "Minority Report" up here so we watched it a couple of days ago. I had forgotten what a terrific movie it is! It keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time, with kick-ass action scenes, wonderful special effects, a sophisticated and intelligent script based on a Philip K. story, and surprisingly superb acting for a sci/fi action movie. And, it was directed by Stephen Spielberg himself. The jet-pack chase scene is worth the whole movie! If you've never seen it, or forgotten about it, here is a link to check it out. Tom says, get the DVD and dig it, either again or for the first time.

Aside from our cable still being down, the card reader in my laptop is not working, so I have been unable to post the skiing shots I took. And today, I just took my dog for a snowshoe jaunt in the woods behing our place and got some good pictures, which I also cannot post. When I get home tomorrow, I'll download them from my camera and post them. Stand by.

~ tom

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