Sunday, June 29, 2008

Check out MI-5

I just finished watching the third disk (episodes 5 & 6) of the 5th season of "MI-5." I have watched this show from its beginning on A&E on American TV. It is one of the best spy/political/thriller shows you'll ever see.

In Britain, it goes by the name "Spooks." (I guess they can't use that term over here - remember it caused the downfall of the protagonist in Roth's great recent novel "The Human Stain.")

Trust me on this. Rent it from the first season on and you will not be disappointed. But don't get too attached to a character because jaw-dropping stuff happens that would never happen on an American show, except for maybe "The Wire. " (The deaths, etc. in the Sopranos were rarely surprising).

Heading up to our place at Tahoe/Donner tomorrow for a week. I hope to be able to have some time to blog more frequently.

Ciao for now,


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