Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Draconian Secenario

I was just now listening to Marjorie Cohn on Thom Hartman's show - she is president of the National Lawyers Guild and has authored a book on the criminality of the Bush administration.

Anyway, she and Thom had each heard the following rumor within the past couple of hours:

Bush appoints Joe Lieberman as Attorney General. The Senate, which always confirms its own, confirms Joe.

The Connecticut Governor, who is a Republican gets to appoint a successor to Joe, who will no doubt be a Republican.

This tips the Senate back to the Republicans, which stops all these investigations and further investigations. It also puts in place an Attorney General who is a Bush lackey and who has stated that he thought Gonzalez was being too conservative when he said the Geneva Convention was "quaint."


~ tom


Anonymous said...

That's scarier than Jack Beatty of the Atlantic Monthly postulating yesterday on OnPoint that Bush might appoint Orrin Hatch. At least that way you get a Republican Senator replacing a Republican Senator.


Glenn Ingersoll said...

I was about to say, No way! Lieberman is a flunky but not enough of a flunky.

But then I remembered the kiss ...