Friday, January 26, 2007

Ted Kennedy on Republicans and Minimum wage

A wonderful Ted Kennedy rant on the Senate floor. He castigates the Republicans for holding up passage of the minimum wage increase. He really gets wound up and it's totally genuine. I love this guy.


Lally said...

Me too. A really underrated intelligence. One of the most productive and best Senators in our history actually, for which he rarely gets acclaim as the wingnuts have successfully kept the spotlight elsehwhere concerning him and his accomplishments. How come W. can be touted as redeeming his bad past, and no one ever mentions the loss of life associated with Laura's early-in-life car experiences, and all the rest of the Bush family skeletons go unmentioned, but the wingnuts can keep Ted still associated in the public eye with his unfortunate and obviously reprobate past. The man is clearly doing his best to balance out the karma, and many un-and -under-represented people have benefitted from that attempt.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. Ted never takes shit from the other side. He's not just a mambie pambie down the middle bipartisan overly concerned about consensus building type. Still can unleash the passion after all these years.
