Monday, March 9, 2015

Conservatives unmasked...

Been out of town the last few days.  Now that I'm back I wanted to give you something to chew on.  Start chewing right here.  Alternet is becoming one of my favorite political sites.


JIm said...

How to become a liberal:

- lie, obamacare you can keep your dr etc,

- Cheat, What difference does it make, hide evidence

- break rules. Hillary's emails, Obama's trashing of Constitution with multiple executive actions

- Chicago rules of engagement- attempt to obliterate domestic opposition; Menendez, break senate rules in order to pass obamacare,

- Enable Islamic terrorism, by providing Iran with a sure path to the bomb. Refuse to acknowledge the evil that is Islamic terrorism. Refuse to support our once allies Israel, Egypt etc. and give support to enemies like Iran.

JIm said...

Ways to become a liberal, I forgot to mention bribery;

-Obama was the number one recipient of funds from FNMA for his work in greasing rules for GSAs. He also, as state senator, greased the way for Tony Rezko in Illinois in exchange for Rezko's below market real estate sale for Obama's house.

-Hilary's latest is foreign and middle east countries who gave money to the Clinton Foundation while she was secretary of State. This of course follows their many monetary scandals of the 90s.

JIm said...

Ways to become a liberal, I forgot to mention bribery;

-Obama was the number one recipient of funds from FNMA for his work in greasing rules for GSAs. He also, as state senator, greased the way for Tony Rezko in Illinois in exchange for Rezko's below market real estate sale for Obama's house.

-Hilary's latest is foreign and middle east countries who gave money to the Clinton Foundation while she was secretary of State. This of course follows their many monetary scandals of the 90s.