Saturday, January 25, 2014

Beer commercial ear worm

I won't bore you with the details, but a few days ago I had occasion to hear the "Here's to good friends..." Lowenbrau commercial from the seventies.  As you may recall, it was sung by the great Arthur Prysock, and packed a whole lot of musicality (tune and lyrics) into a mere commercial ditty.  Anyway, ever since hearing it after all these years I can't get it out of my head.  I searched around for a good version of it to share with you all and the best I found was here.  You will need to scroll down to "Here's To Good Friends, Tonight Is Kind Of Special" and then down to the video portion.  The song is 100% authentic, but the video is a recent-ish parody as evidenced by the Red Bull cooler and the guy mouthing WTF.   Check it out, but BEWARE of a resulting ear worm.

~ Tom

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