Sunday, July 28, 2013

Reich on Detroit

This is an import article written by Robert Reich.  While it is ostensibly about Detroit, it is distressingly relevant when considering the rest of the country.  My question remains:  Just what the hell can we do about it?  Not very much as I see it.


JIm said...

There is a lot that can be done. The first thing is to stop digging the hole. Detroit population is down 70% since the 50s, but its government expense is up substantially. It was long over due to recognize they were broke. It is an example of liberal policies run amok. Chicago and Philly are probably next. Once the structure of bankruptcy is agreed to you, empowerment zones can be established in Detroit with tax free status for some period of time; possibly 10 years. Business will move in employment will expand and the healing will begin.

JIm said...

Tom, At the end of this sorry list
is commentary on the Stockton Ca. recovery, which is in process. There is certainly hope for other cities in dire circumstances once they intelligently face their problems.