Monday, March 11, 2013

Thumbs up for “House of Cards”

You may have read about Netflix airing its first series, “House of Cards.”  The interesting and unique twist is that there was no weekly airing of each episode.  Instead, they made the whole first season accessible from the “git go.”  True, shows like Downton Abbey came on Netflix and Amazon Prime all at once, but those shows did have a weekly season on some network before being released to streaming services like Netflix.

Anyway, the show is fabulous in my opinion.  It’s sort of like “West Wing” with a hard, cynical edge.  You can read a non-spoiler review here.  I have heard of people having a marathon and sitting through all 13 episodes in one session.  I’m not that bad, but the last two evenings I said I was only going to watch one episode and ended up watching two each night.  Last night it took a lot of will power not to stay up even later and watch more episodes.  As for now, I’m going to finish this post right now so I can watch episode #5.  The cast is great, writing sublime, and direction top notch – David Fincher directed the first two episodes.  Kevin Spacey is perfect. Lovin’ it. 

1 comment:

L. Weiler said...

I agree, HOC is pretty awesome. Spacey is beautifully machiavellian (even if his accent slips once in awhile), Robin Wright is terrific as the steely, ambitious wife, Kate Mara is damn good as the amoral striver, Cory Stoll is unforgettable as an oh-so-fallible but somehow sympathetic congressman, and on and on. And there are bold plot twists I just did not see coming.