Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back from vacation

We just got back to our home in Alameda a few hours ago after taking a week off to Seattle and back.  It was great to see my daughter and her family in Seattle – grandkids are a trip.  They do not have television (a choice they made to keep the kids from being TV slaves), so I really was not paying much attention to the news during the last week.  And you know what?  The world went on without me, and I had a mellow time not worrying about how it went on.

Having returned and just brought up the news on my computer, I see that Dick Cheney is even more of a raging asshole than when I left him a week ago.  As one of my heroes, Bugs Bunny would say: “What a maroon!” 

I hope you all had a happy holiday, and I wish everyone the new year they are hoping for.

~  Tom 


Lally said...

Same to you brother, only double.

JIm said...

A president who overules precident set by Abraham Lincoln and Franlin Delano Roosevelt to have enemy combatants tried in civil courts is a menace to, not only the USA, but to the free world. By turning civilian lawers loose in defense of the "Crotch Bomber", we have lost intelligence that might have been gathered by questioning by compitent interrogators. If the president is attempting to make us look weak, to our enemies, the Islamic terrorists, he is succeding. Even moderate Americans may begin to think Obama is the Manchurian Candidate.