Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dry drunk gets wet?

Heard on the radio about Bush getting drunk at the Olympics. Googled "bush drunk at olympics" and got lots of hits. Here are a representative couple: one & two.

I have always known that Bush was the classic "dry drunk," which in many cases is worse that a drinking, high-bottom, alcoholic. But the last couple of years I have been hearing many stories about his drinking again. Like all alcoholics, dry and wet, Bush has no sense of responsibility for his actions, or any ability to contemplate the consequences of his whims and caprices. For most alcoholics the price is paid by their immediate families and circle of friends. But in Bush's case, we in this country, and too many around the world, are paying the sad toll. I want a President, not an alcoholic father.

Some of you might wonder, "How can he get as drunk as he looks in those pictures when there is constant scrutiny on him?" I smile at this question. As any FOB can tell you, secret drinking is an art form. Let's see, in this case, I would imagine George did a little pre-event packing, downing a lot of vodka from his secret stash in private, before leaving for the event. This usually works fairly well except when the event is going to be long and you decide you have to do "heavy packing" to make it through. The result is that it hits you full force hours later causing you to not be able to get out of your frigging seat! Also, notice in some of the pictures the "innocent" water bottle. Oh, this is a prime alkie trick. Funny how vodka looks just like water, so you can literally be drinking openly and believing no one is the wiser.

Lord help us all! This can't end a minute too soon for me.

~ tom

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