Sunday, April 22, 2007

Guns and "pro life?"

I heard about Elayne Boosler's recent blog entry and checked it out. The title is perfect: "We Are Tired of Prying Your Guns Out of Your Cold Dead Hand." Aside from the obvious reference to the NRA screed, it provides a more subtle point: These killers always kill themselves last, leaving the gun clutched in their literal cold dead hand, but dozens and dozens of innocents perish before then. I also dig Elayne's comparison of "right to life" with the stance of the conservatives on any sort of sane gun control. You go girl.

~ Tom

1 comment:

-K- said...

I just read her essay. You're right - it's great, gun people are being played and it's all about the money. But I hadn't thought about what gall it took for bush to speak at VA Tech when there's such a direct line from a mental patient who could buy guns to him and his cynical policies.