Sunday, August 23, 2015

Link to vacation album...

If you are so inclined you can see the Flickr album I created showing shots from our Lake Cavanaugh vacation by clicking right here.  You will see my daughter Wenona, her husband TJ and the grand kids Nizhoni and Aya.  Not to mention Eileen and Spenser the border terrier.


Monday, August 17, 2015

He's baaaack!

Hey all.  Just got back Sunday at about noon.  We rented a large house right on the beach of Lake Cavanaugh, a small deep-water lake located east of Seattle.  We had the place for seven nights. My daughter and her family joined us for four nights and five days.  The grand kids loved it and spent hours in the water.  I took many pictures and I am planning of working on the best ones to make them even better using Light Room software.  So it may be a few days before you get to see those photos. However, I will share a couple of "as shot" photos to give you an idea of just how cool this place was.

Here is a shot of the lake and our dock taken from the back deck.  Don't forget to click on the image to enlarge it.

And here is a shot of the house taken from the dock.

Not bad, eh?

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Taking off tomorrow

I've been busy getting ready for a 12-day vacation, which starts tomorrow.  We have rented a house right on the beach at Lake Cavanaugh in Washington. My daughter and her family will be sharing the experience.  Lots of fun for the grand kids and a welcome 7 days of lolling around and doing nothing in particular.  (It takes us 3 days of driving to get up there.)

I'm not taking my laptop so this blog will be silent until on or after the 16th.  Check back then for lots of pictures!!

In case you are interested, you can read about the rental house right here.   Scroll up to the top to begin.