Hey folks. Believe it or not, I am going to attend my 50th high school reunion this weekend. Placer High School in Auburn, CA. I have never been to any reunion before, be it high school, college, or law school. I was contacted by some of my old running mates who convinced me to attend. I can’t believe we’re all still alive.
The other cool thing is that we are having a reunion of The Epsilons, folk group I was in my last three years at Placer. I was asked to join in my sophomore year and was playing a baritone uke at that time. In my junior year, one of the guys had graduated and that left three of us. My senior year, another guy graduated and Don Wescott and I recruited Greg Lyman, who was a good singer and a better guitarist than I. (By that time I was playing a Martin tenor guitar.) Anyway, we are going to do four songs, and we are the “surprise entertainment at the reunion. We were very popular back then, playing the Elks, Moose, Lions, and Rotary circuit, as well as performing for the student body. We have picked out our songs and are going to rehearse for four hours on Saturday morning which should be enough. It should be a gas.
As many of you know, my house burned to the ground in the Oakland firestorm of 1991 and I lost all my high school year books. Greg kindly copied the Epsilon picture from the 60, 61, and 62 year books. Here they are:

The writing on the case is from Greg’s year book and was not written on the case itself.

Wow, how cool to have a head of hair!