I say let’s kick Joe Lieberman to the curb, right now. Strip him of his committee chairmanship and cancel all his seniority on other committees. Kick him out of the Democratic caucus and let him slink over the the Republican caucus where he truly belongs.
“But,” you say, “we need his vote for the health care bill.” Wrong. Consider this from today’s HuffPo:
As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid works to cobble together the 60 votes he needs to overcome an expected Republican attempt to block a floor vote on health care, there is still one powerful parliamentary weapon he could draw from his back pocket.
The process known as budget reconciliation only requires a simple majority -- and can not be filibustered -- meaning Reid (D-Nev.) would need only 50 Democrats plus a tie-breaking vote from Vice President Joe Biden to declare victory.
Is he still considering going that way?
"Sure, it's always an option," Reid said after leaving his press conference Monday, when he announced that he'd be pushing forward with a public health insurance option with an opt-out provision that would give states the right not to participate.
You can read the entire HuffPo article here.