Thursday, March 22, 2007

The plot thickens...

Ever wonder why this US Attorney firing thing is such a big deal? I mean, if all the US attorneys are Bush appointments and Republicans, what's the big deal? Well, check out this article from Salon, then put on your thinking cap and put it all together.

Answer: As the general population gets browner, angrier, and more politically mobilized, Republicans are going to have less and less of a chance of holding on to their plutocracy, UNLESS THEY CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO KEEP THE MASSES FROM VOTING, OR NOT COUNTING THEIR VOTES. Do you believe for one instant that these evil-doers would not implement a stiff poll tax if they thought they could get away with it. Well, next best thing, order all your US Attorneys to make so-called voter fraud their highest priority, and if they don't, fire them.

~ Tom

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Jazz artists - photo treasure

I stumbled across these wonderful photos of some of my favorite jazz giants. Check it out.

~ Tom

"That's how the light gets in"

I am beginning to understand just how important it was for the Democrats to take over both houses of Congress. For the last few weeks I have been watching various hearings in both houses and realizing how great it feels to hear the truth coming out into the light. It reminds me of a line from the great Leonard Cohen song "Anthem:"

"There is a crack, a crack, in everything; that's how the light gets in."

That in turn got me thinking that before January 2007 it was like a situation where a guy would come by and take a big dump on my front porch every night. I'd report it to the police and they would say there was nothing they could do about it. I would have witnesses who would tell me who did it, but I was prevented from bringing those people forward to tell the truth. I would complain directly to the perpetrator but he would just laugh and say "prove it," or he would deny it with a smirk. Short of killing the guy (I'm a pacifist, not an assassin) there was literally nothing I could do except clean up the crap off my front porch every day.

Then things changed. All my neighbors banded together and staked out my front porch and took pictures of the guy with his pants down and circulated them on the internet. The cops then suddenly got interested, as well as the DA's office. The truth came out completely and suddenly there was no longer any crap on my front porch. Of course the bad guy is still out there, but at least he's not crapping on my front porch.

~ tom

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Snowed in.

I promised a blog about being snowed in at at Tahoe place a couple of weeks ago. We drove up from our place in the Bay Area on Thursday evening, Feb. 22nd. We skied on Friday and Saturday. It started snowing as we were finishing our day on Saturday. Then the big storm hit. When we woke up on Sunday there was a couple of feet of snow, and it was still snowing hard, with high winds. We could not get out to go skiing, and besides, it was blowing so hard and snowing so hard at Squaw Valley that they did not open any of the lifts. We were supposed to drive home on Sunday night but Donner Pass was closed. On Monday morning we got all packed up and started home but it was snowing very hard and the traffic to get on the freeway was literal gridlock. We turned around and went back to our place. We got up on Tuesday to find a break in the weather, but we had to wait for the plow to come and dig us out. I've attached photos. The first is a shot our our front deck, which I dug out on Tuesday morning. Mind you, there are five steps UP to that level, so that should give you an idea of how deep it was. Next is a shot of the plow coming up the unplowed driveway. The final shot is the plow doing its thing right in front of our garage.

Monday, March 5, 2007

A very cool calculator application

I haven't had time to blog in the last week or so. We got snowed in at our place at Tahoe on the weekend of the 24th and 25th and could not get home until Tuesday the 27th. More on that in a blog to come, with cool pictures.

But for now, let me enthusiastically recommend a very, very nice web application called Instacalc Online Calculator. This baby is free, fun, powerful and easy to use. It is a "web app" so you don't have to download it. Instaclac is a fantastic blend of a calculator and a spreadsheet.

Tom says five out of five stars.